For Chase's birthday I thought about what theme to do. As I watched him smoosh, tickle, trap, talk too, snuggle, and lick every bug we encountered I theme. I sent out what I believe were the craziest invites yet; flyswatters with bugs tied onto them holding the invitation. We had tons of bug balloons (thanks Kristin at We had a catapiller crawl, bug toss and of course pin the dot on the ladybug (with oreos!) We were exhausted by the end but loved every minute of it! Hope you had a super time you big 2 year old!
Everyone is entitled to a yawn every now and again.

Chase in his party garb!

This is the Bee! We had 3 and they were so fun to look at!

The Ladybug was super cute and we had like 3 around the house. Chase adopted one and kept it in his room for about a week.

Loved the grasshoppers!

This caterpiller pretty much stayed up until Christmas. People stopping by weren't sure what kind of party they stepped into but we loved it. The kids seriously thought it was the greatest thing ever...they were right...Kristin you rock!