Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Not My Gumdrop Buttons!
A great night was had by all as we loaded up gingerbread men with red hots, marshmellows, gumdrops, sprinkles and skittles (left over from halloween...but the kids didn't mind!).
Cooper decided to take out the middle man (the gingerbread man) and went right for the candy and frosting! I made the gingerbread men a little thick so they ended up looking more like obese men that need to hit the treadmill ASAP! That's okay...more of them to love! Thanks guys for braving the storm so we could get your kids all hyped up on old halloween candy!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The Easiest Thanksgiving Ever!
Normally we spend all day slaving away over a hot stove and then sit down for 20 minutes, eat food and then take a 2 hour nap. I like this plan. But not this year...except the nap!
Well this year...the hardest part of my Thanksgiving dinner was setting the timer for 2 hours so all the food could reheat! We bought our dinner from a local grocery store...Hy-Vee which is also the account Brandon calls on. We had a huge turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, apple pie, pumpkin pie and 12 dinner rolls (the package was for 8-10 people) for $50!!! What a deal! And it gave us time to spend with Mike and Denise who came to visit us! We had a GREAT time with them and Coop scored a new lawn mower out of the deal (you gotta start the boys early on the mower!). Thanks Mike and Denise for visiting and for changing all the diapers Brandon pawned off on you. With how easy this was I'm debating havind this be a tradition!

Monday, December 1, 2008
New pictures of My Sweet Chase
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Chase Tanner Christensen
There is seriously nothing better than waking up at one in the morning 9 days before your due date to realize you are having a baby! Well the only thing that could be better is to get to the hospital and realize your birthing room looks like a spa! My room was literally huge -- they had just remodeled the whole maternity unit -- and had a jacuzzi in it. The L & D nurse (you can only call your labor and delivery nurse a L & D nurse if you have had at least 2 kids!) got the jets going for me and then asked if I would like some aromatherapy! This is not a joke she seriously did ask me if I did and then spread some around my room...who does that??? Well after an hour bath my
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Lions and Tigers and Rats...oh my! Halloween 2008
I knew Cooper had to be a rat this year when I was in Old Navy and I had him try it on and I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants! So did five other people in the store (laughed...not peed their pants). Well traditionally you take your little kid out October 31 and get loads of candy...well not here in Iowa! People go out October 30th for "Beggers Night" and collect candy but they have to tell you a joke before you give them any candy. I'm not sure how these rules got started and I was sure I was being lied to until I saw people trick-or-treating with my own eyes. So October 30th we went out and did some trick-or-treating ourselves! We learned a few things real quick that night. We have no good jokes to tell so we tried to play the we just moved here from out of town and don't know your crazy "beggers Night" rules...card.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sweet Coop Turns 1
Monday, October 20, 2008
Babies...So Hot Right Now!

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